Career Goal? Attend veterinarian school, after finishing my undergrad, to eventually become a companion animal vet (cats/dogs)
How long have you been involved at BCM? I have been involved at the BCM since September 2009.
What is your leadership position? What are some of your responsibilities in this role? I am currently serving as a girl’s Discipleship Leader. Some of my responsibilities as a DL are to lead/facilitate a bible study once a week and to really get involved in my girl’s lives and help them in their walk with God. This takes on many forms including praying for them, challenging & encouraging them, and just being available to them for whatever they might need. Along with this, I am also responsible for seeking after God myself because I can’t be a spiritual leader or resource for them if I am not spending time in God’s word or in prayer on a daily basis.
What has God been teaching you lately? God is teaching me several things right now. He has really begun to address my issue with worrying, especially this semester. I have always been the type of person who stresses over anything and everything and, until recently, I have never been able to completely give something up to God. In the past, whenever I would “give” something to God, it was like I would put it in His hands but keep one of my hands on it so that I could take it back whenever I wanted.
God began to bring this problem to my attention last semester. It was actually during a bible study one night and we got to talking about how most of us struggled with worry. I had brought up the fact that I worried so much that I even worried when things were going well, that it wouldn’t last and that something bad was just around the corner. It was then that one of the girls said that, in thinking that way, that I was not trusting that God had by best interests at heart. I had never thought about it that way before and it completely changed my view on things. I can’t say that I no longer worry, but I can say that I am getting better about giving things over to God and that, every day, it becomes less of a struggle.
The other thing He has been teaching me is how much you grow spiritually when you set aside time to serve Him. When I found out that I had been nominated for a leadership role, I didn’t even consider applying because I didn’t have any time and I really felt intimidated by the idea. It wasn’t until the night before the applications were due that I decided to apply, and it took 3 people encouraging/challenging me to do so. Since becoming a discipleship leader, God has blessed me with, more time (which I didn’t think was possible), new friends, and with a closer relationship with Him. I can honestly say that I am now closer to Him than I have ever been at any other time in my life.
What has been your most meaningful moment at BCM? The times at the BCM that have been the most meaningful to me would have to be the bible studies. All of last year, I was not involved in any Christian organization other than Blacksburg Baptist Church so, other than Sundays, I wasn’t getting fed and I wasn’t spending any time with Christians during the week since most of my friends were unsaved. It made it very difficult to continue to live like Christ because I had to say no to a lot of the things my friends were doing. This year, having the BCM and the weekly bible studies have totally changed my life here at college. I am constantly surrounded by good Christian friends and I am challenged every week to grow and to continue to seek after Him. It is nice to be able to share my struggles and to get good godly advice on how to handle certain situations. The BCM has definitely strengthened my walk with God. :)
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